People welcome the summer season despite the scorching heat just to enjoy the delicious summer fruit, Mango. Mangoes are found in abundance only in the summer season.
Now a days we get most of the fruits all year round. But a fruit like mango found only in summer certainly is nutrient dense and it’s the requirement of that season.
Lets have a closer look at the benefits of a mango, a superfood that’s abundant in numerous nutrients.
Great source of vital nutrients
Summer calls for many health issues like viral or bacterial infections and skin problems.
Vit. C and E found in mangoes accelerates growth and development and also the synthesis of collagen, a protein found in skin, tendons and ligaments. Improves skin texture and reduces tanning.
Vitamins A along with C and E boost immunity.
Great source of folate, important nutrient in synthesis of DNA.
One cup provides 76% of your daily requirement of vitamin C, 35% of the required vitamin A, 9% of vitamin E and 20% of folate.
Cancer fighter
The human body naturally produces free radicals during metabolism process. It damages our body leading to wide range of illnesses and chronic diseases like cancer.
Antioxidants benefit the body by neutralizing and removing the free radicals from the bloodstream.
Mangoes are rich source of antioxidants including astragalin, quercetin, isoquercitrin and fisetin.
Helps in weight Loss
Though 1 cup of mangoes provide over 100 calories, the fibrous content makes one feel fuller. So one is less inclined to reach for unhealthy snacks afterwards.
If you are conscious about your weight, the combination of mango with any other food is very important.
Keeps blood pressure under control
Mangoes are abundant in minerals like potassium and magnesium and also contain trace elements like copper. The high potassium content helps to keep blood pressure under control.
Cures anaemia
This fruit has high levels of vitamin C. Helping in better iron absorption. Hence benefiting individuals suffering from anaemia.
Diabetes management
Every food has its Glycemic Index meaning how fast a carbohydrate rich food spikes blood sugar levels when consumed. If the number is more the ability to spike sugar level in the bloodstream will be faster. But the glycemic index does not take into account the amount of carbohydrate in a food.
The Glycemic Load is a better indicator of how per serving of carbohydrate rich food will affect blood sugar. A low GL is the better indicator that a food won’t have much impact on blood glucose levels.
Mango has a high Glycemic Index of 72. The amount of carbohydrate in half serving of mango is 14 gms. So the Glycemic Load of mango is 10 which is low.
Again, combining mango with other foods will have impact on the sugar level. Maintaining the serving size is very important.
Memory booster
Mangoes have good amount of vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine) and glutamine acid, both of which work together to keep neurotransmitter function intact. Keeping cells active and boosts memory.